Zpix Pixel Font

Zpix (最像素) is a compact but sharp looking pixel font that supports simplified and traditional Chinese plus Japanese characters. It was constructed with 12px font size (11px for the letters and 1px for padding), therefore it should look the crispiest, or should I say pixel perfect with 12 pixel based sizes, for example: 12px, 24px, 36px, 48px and so on.

Zpix can be used for digital and print visuals, for designers who are seeking tech-y look or mix and match with other fonts for some creative design applications. This font is free for personal and educational projects, and it’s not free for commercial use cases.

Usage Permission

  • Free for personal and educational use.
  • For commercial projects, check font homepage for pricing and contact details


Download Zpix Pixel Font

To download, visit the page above and click on the green “Code” button, then click on the Download Zip as highlighted below to start the download. Once downloaded, unzip and file and you will find the font inside the “dist” folder.

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