Maoken Assorted Sans SC

Maoken Assorted Sans (猫啃什锦黑) is a free Simplified Chinese font that has the marker pen writing style. It was based on the Japanese free font “Nishiki-teki“, with modifications on the kanji characters and additions to the Simplified Chinese characters, to fulfil the use case for Chinese language.

As mentioned, this font is poppy, cute and has the effect of handwriting with thick marker pen. It’s suitable for print and digital designs for collaterals and promotional materials catering to younger audiences for bringing out the cute and energetic vibe. The font is released under SIL Open Font License, hence you can use it for free for personal and commercial use.

Usage Permission

  • Free for personal and educational use.
  • Released under SIL Open Font License 1.1
  • No modification as paid product, or as part of the paid bundle.


Download Maoken Assorted Sans Font

To download, visit the page above and click on the green “Code” button, then click on the Download Zip as highlighted below to start the download. Once downloaded, unzip and file and you will find the fonts inside the “font” folder.

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