(simplified) MF Yan Song
MF Yan Song (造字工房言宋体) is a free simplified Song-writing Chinese font that has the perfect blend of the soft and hard lines. This font was designed by MakeFont (造字工房). The folks from MakeFont was generous enough to release this font for free and you can download it and use it STRICTLY for non-commercial purpose only. To use this font for commercial projects, please purchase license here.
Usage Permission
Free for personal-use only.
To download the font, visit the link above and look for the QR code block, just above the square yellow download button. You have to obtain a passcode to be able to download the font. To obtain, fire up your WeChat app and open the QR code scanner, scan it and you will see the MakeFont page. Follow it and reply “正版下载” to MakeFont. Then you will receive the passcode and then enter it in the field below the QR code. Once enter, click on the yellow button to download the font.
To download the font, visit the link above and look for the QR code block, just above the square yellow download button. You have to obtain a passcode to be able to download the font. To obtain, fire up your WeChat app and open the QR code scanner, scan it and you will see the MakeFont page. Follow it and reply “正版下载” to MakeFont. Then you will receive the passcode and then enter it in the field below the QR code. Once enter, click on the yellow button to download the font.